
This disclaimer is to help avoid any misunderstandings regarding the information presented on this site.

The web site of the Pueblo of Sandia is intended to supply information to the general public and the media regarding the nature and issues of the pueblo, its government and enterprises. Although we make every attempt to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date, we cannot and do not guarantee either.

By your use of this web site, you agree to the following:

The members of the Pueblo of Sandia, its officers, employees, representatives, consultants and all others affiliated with the Pueblo assume no responsibility or liability of any kind whatsoever due to the accuracy, inaccuracy, use, misuse, inability to use, republishing or inability to republish any information or other materials, published, disseminated, broadcast, linked to or otherwise made available on this web site. No permission to license or republish any materials including text, files, programs, scripts, pictures or graphics on this site is granted or should be implied by virtue of the Pueblo of Sandia making them available. All materials on this site are copyrighted by the Pueblo of Sandia. All requests to use or republish materials on this site must be submitted in writing to the Pueblo of Sandia and must be approved by the Pueblo of Sandia, the applicable department/s, the Governor of Sandia Pueblo and possibly the Tribal Council.